Simple Usage

Simple usage for network requests

Simple get request:

>>> resp = hrequests.get('')

Requests are sent through bogdanfinn's tls-client to spoof the TLS client fingerprint. This is done automatically, and is completely transparent to the user.

Other request methods include post, put, delete, head, options, and patch.

The Response object is a near 1:1 replica of the requests.Response object, with some additional attributes.

    url (Union[str, Iterable[str]]): URL or list of URLs to request.
    data (Union[str, bytes, bytearray, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    files (Dict[str, Union[BufferedReader, tuple]], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Dict or CookieJar to send. Defaults to None.
    json (dict, optional): Json to send in the request body. Defaults to None.
    allow_redirects (bool, optional): Allow request to redirect. Defaults to True.
    history (bool, optional): Remember request history. Defaults to False.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    nohup (bool, optional): Run the request in the background. Defaults to False.
    <Additionally includes all parameters from `hrequests.Session` if a session was not specified>

    hrequests.response.Response: Response object

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