Requests & Responses

Requests can also be sent within browser sessions. These operate the same as the standard hrequests.request, and will use the browser's cookies and headers. The BrowserSession cookies will be updated with each request.

This returns a normal Response object:

>>> resp = page.get('')
    url (str): URL to send request to
    params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
    data (Union[str, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    form (dict, optional): Form data to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    multipart (dict, optional): Multipart data to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    max_redirects (int, optional): Maximum number of redirects to follow. Defaults to None.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

    hrequests.response.Response: Response object

Other methods include post, put, delete, head, and patch.

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