
Sessions are used to sync cookies & headers across requests

Creating a new Chrome Session object:

>>> session = hrequests.Session()  # version randomized by default
>>> session = hrequests.Session('chrome', version=120)
    browser (Literal['firefox', 'chrome'], optional): Browser to use. Default is 'chrome'.
    version (int, optional): Version of the browser to use. Browser must be specified. Default is randomized.
    os (Literal['win', 'mac', 'lin'], optional): OS to use in header. Default is randomized.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is generated from `browser` and `os`.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Default timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Cookie Jar, or cookie list/dict to send. Defaults to None.
    certificate_pinning (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): Certificate pinning. Defaults to None.
    disable_ipv6 (bool, optional): Disable IPv6. Defaults to False.
    detect_encoding (bool, optional): Detect encoding. Defaults to True.
    ja3_string (str, optional): JA3 string. Defaults to None.
    h2_settings (dict, optional): HTTP/2 settings. Defaults to None.
    additional_decode (str, optional): Decode response body with "gzip" or "br". Defaults to None.
    pseudo_header_order (list, optional): Pseudo header order. Defaults to None.
    priority_frames (list, optional): Priority frames. Defaults to None.
    header_order (list, optional): Header order. Defaults to None.
    force_http1 (bool, optional): Force HTTP/1. Defaults to False.
    catch_panics (bool, optional): Catch panics. Defaults to False.
    debug (bool, optional): Debug mode. Defaults to False.

Browsers can also be created through the firefox and chrome shortcuts:

>>> session = hrequests.firefox.Session()
>>> session =
    version (int, optional): Version of the browser to use. Browser must be specified. Default is randomized.
    os (Literal['win', 'mac', 'lin'], optional): OS to use in header. Default is randomized.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is generated from `browser` and `os`.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Default timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Cookie Jar, or cookie list/dict to send. Defaults to None.
    certificate_pinning (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): Certificate pinning. Defaults to None.
    disable_ipv6 (bool, optional): Disable IPv6. Defaults to False.
    detect_encoding (bool, optional): Detect encoding. Defaults to True.
    ja3_string (str, optional): JA3 string. Defaults to None.
    h2_settings (dict, optional): HTTP/2 settings. Defaults to None.
    additional_decode (str, optional): Decode response body with "gzip" or "br". Defaults to None.
    pseudo_header_order (list, optional): Pseudo header order. Defaults to None.
    priority_frames (list, optional): Priority frames. Defaults to None.
    header_order (list, optional): Header order. Defaults to None.
    force_http1 (bool, optional): Force HTTP/1. Defaults to False.
    catch_panics (bool, optional): Catch panics. Defaults to False.
    debug (bool, optional): Debug mode. Defaults to False.

os can be 'win', 'mac', or 'lin'. Default is randomized.

>>> session ='mac')

This will automatically generate headers based on the browser name and OS:

>>> session.headers
{'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4; rv:60.2.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.2.2', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'}
Why is the browser version in the header different than the TLS browser version?

Website bot detection systems typically do not correlate the TLS fingerprint browser version with the browser header.

By adding more randomization to our headers, we can make our requests appear to be coming from a larger number of clients. This makes it harder for websites to identify and block our requests based on a consistent browser version.

Last updated