Send concurrent requests in the style of grequests
The methods async_get, async_post, etc. will create an unsent request. This levereges gevent, making it blazing fast.
url (str): URL to send request to
data (Union[str, bytes, bytearray, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
files (Dict[str, Union[BufferedReader, tuple]], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Dict or CookieJar to send. Defaults to None.
json (dict, optional): Json to send in the request body. Defaults to None.
allow_redirects (bool, optional): Allow request to redirect. Defaults to True.
history (bool, optional): Remember request history. Defaults to False.
verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
<Additionally includes all parameters from `hrequests.Session` if a session was not specified>
hrequests.response.Response: Response object
Async requests are evaluated on, hrequests.imap, or hrequests.imap_enum.
This functionality is similar to grequests. Unlike grequests, monkey patching is not required because this does not rely on the standard python SSL library.
Concurrently converts a list of Requests to Responses.
requests - a collection of Request objects.
size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. If None, no throttling occurs.
exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception
timeout - Gevent joinall timeout in seconds. (Note: unrelated to requests timeout)
A list of Response objects.
imap returns a generator that yields responses as they come in:
>>> for resp in hrequests.imap(reqs, size=3):
... print(resp)
<Response [200]>
<Response [200]>
<Response [200]>
Concurrently converts a generator object of Requests to a generator of Responses.
requests - a generator or sequence of Request objects.
size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. default is 2
exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception
Response objects.
imap_enum returns a generator that yields a tuple of (index, response) as they come in. The index is the index of the request in the original list:
>>> for index, resp in hrequests.imap_enum(reqs, size=3):
... print(index, resp)
(1, <Response [200]>)
(0, <Response [200]>)
(2, <Response [200]>)
Like imap, but yields tuple of original request index and response object
Unlike imap, failed results and responses from exception handlers that return None are not ignored. Instead, a
tuple of (index, None) is yielded.
Responses are still in arbitrary order.
requests - a sequence of Request objects.
size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. default is 2
exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception
(index, Response) tuples.
Exception Handling
To handle timeouts or any other exception during the connection of the request, you can add an optional exception handler that will be called with the request and exception inside the main thread.